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CMO Playbook

Attribution Modeling Explained
Attribution Modeling Explained

Attribution Modeling Explained

These days, customers find your product through a variety of marketing channels (ad platforms, partnerships, content, organic, etc.). It is important to understand how these channels work together in driving conversions. After all, the journey of the converted customer is the one we really care about, the one we want to promote and replicate...

The SaaS Calculator: How Much Should I Spend to Acquire a Customer?

The SaaS Calculator: How Much Should I Spend to Acquire a Customer?

SaaS companies typically spend money upfront to acquire customers, then have to wait many months before recurring revenue makes up for the initial cost to acquire. Revenue from a customer is defined equally by the length of time they stay and the size of their monthly payment. This is a common problem: you spend..

Apple: let’s solve iOS attribution for good

Apple: let’s solve iOS attribution for good

Apple recently announced that they will be releasing a new “Sources” tab in iTunes Connect. iTunes will now track the referring url and an optional campaign ID, passed in as a url param. This is a huge improvement, and it will work great for developers that build exclusively on iOS. The problem is, iOS..

Why Do I Have So Much Direct Traffic?

Why Do I Have So Much Direct Traffic?

Direct traffic means that someone was familiar enough with your brand to go directly to to your site. That’s an accomplishment. The problem is, a lot of the traffic that being tracked at ‘direct’ may be referral traffic that wasn’t tracked. HTTPS The most common cause for dropped referrers is when a link goes..

Cross Device Attribution

Cross Device Attribution

More than ever, people are visiting your product from phones, tables, laptops and work computers. Cross device tracking is going from an optional nicety to a necessary call. Identifying your users on each device is the key to correlating their sessions and properly attributing referral sources. Identifying Users Identifying users with a unique user..

Why Your Javascript Tracking Leaks Data

Why Your Javascript Tracking Leaks Data

Most of the modern analytics packages are based on event calls. When someone signs up, you fire an event. When they buy something, you fire an event. These events make up the bulk of the data that we use to track growth, a/b test our designs, and understand our products. The problem is that..